This year has been a whirlwind. Here is a list of a few random things I’ve learned, experienced, and captured in the book of 2011 that will be placed on the shelf of my memory. Happy New Year, Everyone!
-Blonde hair , short hair, Long Hair, Brown hair- My hair styles in one year alone could be a Dr. Seuss book.
-Sometimes the best things in life come in big packages…like 9 lb 10 oz packages.
-Going to the beach while pregnant really is the best way to go. You can eat as much as you want because your maternity bathing suit and baby are your ticket to not having to suck anything in.
-Good things come to those who wait. ..especially when the wait is long and painful.
-Season changes with weather often leave me with wardrobe variety and allergies. Season changes in life leave me with new friends, new beginnings, and spiritual growth.
-Only the cuteness of your child can overcome the trifecta of being peed, pooped, and puked on in a matter of hours.
-The Epidural- Best. Invention. Ever.
-Every parent of an infant needs a ceiling fan. If you have had an infant, you know why.
-A husband that will get up during midnight feedings with you is a keeper. One that cracks jokes and makes fun of you while you’re working the breast pump at 2 AM…even better.
-Peeling potatoes, spreading homemade pizza dough, and cleaning a lasagna pan that that did not get sprayed with oil- The 3 most annoying kitchen related activities known to man.
-I should NEVER watch shows about UFO sightings or hear ghost stories right before my husband goes on a business trip.
-Yelling at a computer printer doesn’t help it unjam.
-Sugar Feet, Princess, and Kiddo- The three favorite names I’ve been called by grocery store cashiers
-Never underestimate the value of a delivered meal to a family with a newborn.
-A few toothless smiles cover a multitude of sleepless nights
-Pintrest is dangerous thing for my “Can you make me this” list for my super creative husband
-Time flies when you are having fun so try your best to savor the moments while you’re in them!
"There comes into the life of a man, an opportunity for which he and he alone is suited. What a pity, if in that moment, it finds him either unwilling or unprepared for that which would be his finest hour." -Winston Churchill
Friday, December 30, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Merry Christmas
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Homemade Liquid Handsoap
A couple of my soap dispensers were getting low and I noticed my refill jug only had a few drops of soap left in it. The other day I also ran across a recipe for homemade hand soap. I thought, “Why not?” And so I did.
2- 4oz bars of soap (not beauty bars or moisture bars. Needs to be bar soap)
2 Tablespoons of Glycerin (Found in the first aid aisle)
1 Gallon of Water
Large pot, cheese grater, wooden spoon, and container for soap
First use the cheese grater to shave the bars of soap. Next place the soap shavings in 1 gallon of heated water (heated at high heat close to a boil). Add Glycerin. Stir until all soap shavings have melted. Remove from heat. Let sit undisturbed for 10-12 hours. Stir soap with a wooden spoon. Soap will have hardened. If needed, take electric mixer and mix up the soap. Add water if after mixing, it is not the consistency of liquid hand soap. Pour into container and store.
The bars of soap were $1.75 for 2 bars. The Glycerin was less than $3 and I used a small portion of the bottle (less than half). The gallon jug is over twice the size of the Softsoap refill that I usually buy (See picture to compare). The cost of making this soap was just a fraction of what you would spend at the store. It was kind of fun to make and was very easy to do. The bar soap I used was Pomegranate Mango (Softsoap Brand). It’s got a nice scent and a pretty pink color too!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
You know you've been baptized into parenthood when...
-You can’t leave the house because you have run out of clothes that don’t have vomit on them
-You’ve been pooped, peed and spit up on all within a matter of a few hours
-You keep checking the baby’s diaper and then realize the smell of urine is coming from your own clothes and left from the last diaper leak
-You find yourself humming a strange tune in the grocery store and then recall it’s the song from the baby bouncer music box
-You ride in the car with white noise blaring through the speakers just to get some peace and quiet
-You learn how to do most household chores with one arm
-You agree that no one should cry over spilled milk, but would argue for the exception of breast milk. If that spills, it’s more than acceptable to cry
-You can put the 20 pieces of a Dr. Brown’s bottle together in your sleep
-You kiss your baby’s temple and get smeared eye goop on your face and somehow you’re not really bothered by it
-You’ve considered taking a swig of your child’s Milicon because it’s easier than trying to find the bottle of Tums in the other room
-Your breakfast, lunch, and dinner are at times one in the same meal
-You need to change your camera battery as often as you do the baby’s diapers
-You love watching your baby sleep peacefully and could literally stare at them in awe for hours while doing so
Saturday, October 29, 2011
DIY Fisherman Costume

We made our costumes again this year. I was pretty proud of the fact I spent less than $10 on the whole family's outfits. The shark costume was supposed to cost $12.50 at the store. That was the sale price since it was 50% off. I thought that was a good deal. It was the last one in that size, and when I got to the register to pay, I saw there was no tag on it. The cashier insisted on looking the code up in her computer. When she did, it rang up as $0.68! I felt guilty and pointed it out to her. She told me, "I looked it up and it says shark costume and that's a shark costume. I'm giving it to you for that price." She looked frustrated with me for trying to point it out. So...i just let it go and was happy to get a bargain! As for the adult costumes- we had the clothing and hats already. All I had to do was buy safety pins, fishing worms, and a few bobbers. My creative husband took our antique fishing rods and put them on a couple wooden sticks. Easy DIY costumes!
Monday, October 24, 2011
4 Weeks
Our son turns 4 weeks old tomorrow. Although these past few weeks seem kind of blurred, we have had many wonderful memories of the start of his life here with us. Along with those good memories, I have learned more than I ever imagined I would in this short time. I think it’s safe to say, I had no idea parenting was going to be this challenging. Turns out I don’t know everything and have found myself praying (a lot) for guidance. The cuddles and smiles thankfully make up for those insecure moments when I find myself the need to apologize to my son with the words, “Sorry, I’m new at this and don’t know what I’m doing.”
Here are a few things I’ve learned in the short time I’ve had my new job as “Mom.”
- I rely on positive reinforcement more than I thought. Not being able to comfort a crying baby for a long period of time is not easy (but apparently normal)
- Babies go through approximately 200+ diapers a day
- I can function on less sleep than I thought I could
- Everyone has an opinion when it comes to babies and how to raise them. Not everyone knows how to keep it to themselves.
- Newborns don’t come with a manual but really should
- “I don’t think that’s normal. Maybe I should call the Dr.” is a common everyday thought the first week of having your child at home.
- A couple smiles (real ones not gas) can make an evening of crying so much easier
- Cuddles are precious at any hour of the day
- It’s entirely possible to have a love/hate relationship with a breast pump
- The sounds that notify you of a dirty diaper are not the sign of an immediate diaper change need. Wait..there’s probably more coming. If you’re in the midst of a change when it does, you will be covered in it and need to change yourself. Don’t jump the gun.
- That nook between my neck and shoulder was long ago made for my little boy. Who knew?!
- The value of a prepared meal for new parents is immeasurable. A month FULL of meals brought to you by sweet friends is absolutely amazing.
- The miracle of life and a baby’s tiny little parts are some of the coolest things you can witness in life.
- When picking up your crying child and his tears actually stop as if comforted by his Mother’s arms…Ahh…that’s a really great feeling
- Elastic is a post partum woman’s best friend. So are girlfriends who tell you that you look great when you probably don’t.
- Date night with your spouse is more than okay within the first few weeks. In fact, it should be mandatory.
- Best advice you can give a new Mom- “Do what works best for you and baby and don’t worry about what the books or others say or think.”
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
The Final Countdown

We are now within days of meeting our son. He tried to come six weeks early and we managed to get labor to stop at that time in the hospital. Fast forward to now, it’s only a week and a half to my due date. Any day now could be the day he is born. Life is about to change drastically!
That’s not to say it hasn’t changed over the last 9 months. Our grocery list has certainly changed over the past few months. On average I go through about a half gallon of Blue Bell ice-cream per week. I can easily eat four pounds of grapes per week. I have a hard time keeping things like cheese, pizza, dark chocolate, or sour cream in the house. They all disappear quite quickly. Our toilet paper needs have increased exponentially especially as we draw nearer to the birth. Lately, I’ve had dreams of showing up totally unprepared for an event like a race. The last two nights I’ve had dreams that I find out there was a typo in my marriage license, and my marriage is not legal. So, I try to fix the issue and of course find myself in the midst of planning a last minute wedding before the baby comes. I plan details of the ceremony and reception while I’m feeling contractions. We have gone from summers of jogging, kayaking, sailing, and cycling to me feeling really proud if I can walk from the parking lot to the store without having to stop to catch my breath. Don’t get me started on the waddle I’ve adopted.
The uncomfortable days and changes I’m going through now are bringing us one more day closer to holding him. They are all worth it. It sure has been an adventure for us all though. As for the dreams…It doesn’t take a professional to point out that there’s a good chance I’m feeling anxious that I’m not prepared for parenthood. Don’t get me wrong, I think we will be good parents, but I’m guessing there will be a normal learning curve for us to experience. We both catch on quickly to things so I think we will be okay.
As we wait for the big day, please say a pray for us if you think of it. An easy delivery would be a pleasant surprise, and of course we hope for no complications. A healthy baby is what we hope and pray for. Thanks for your prayers and support! We will post pictures soon of our little bundle of joy!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
A Place Not Long Ago
I was recently reminded of a place I was in not long ago. It was a place of not knowing and a place of desperate longing to figure out where to go in life. I can remember that place as if I was there yesterday, yet it seems like a lifetime ago.
I knew there was more to life and more to my future than what was on the path in front of me. I just didn’t know which way to turn, which new path to take, or what would be in store for me. Looking back I can almost picture the Lord looking down at me smiling and saying “Just hang on. You are about to see what I’ve been working on for you!” I had no idea. The waiting about drove me insane. I waited and started to feel like better days, clearer paths, and the purpose driven life I’d longed for was never going to happen.
More than six years later, I can look back and smile. Little did I know that in a few short years I would meet a wonderful man to share my life with, get married, go on new adventures in life, grow stronger through trials, and start building a family. I stand in awe of how He works at times. I had no idea it was in store for me and wouldn’t have even imagined asking for the blessings I’ve now received.
Isaiah 40:31
"Yet those who wait for the LORD Will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles,
They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary."
I once heard this verse explained in a different way than I had heard before. Many times we claim we are waiting for the Lord but really we are waiting for an event, or a specific thing we have in our minds. For example, when you find out you are pregnant you find yourself waiting for the baby to be born. This verse explains that we should be waiting for the Lord..meaning we are waiting for whatever His plan is for us in any given situation. Then and only then we will gain new strength.
Are you waiting for change? Waiting for a new path? Waiting for a spouse, job, a child, or even healing? If so, are you growing weary? Try waiting for the Lord -whatever his plan is. In Ephesians 3:20, we are told “Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.” Take joy in the fact that He sits above on His throne smiling down saying to you, “Hang on…you are about to see what I’ve been working on for you.”
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
A Few Random Things From My Mind
Why do we look down on the homeless man begging for money at the corner of the street, but smile and give to the man holding out a jar collecting money for his kid’s baseball team at the stop light? Is begging for money okay in society if you don’t look poor?
No scientific proof is needed to make us believe “Pregnancy Brain” is real. The proof is in my daily living and daily bizarre acts of strangeness. Somehow it’s contagious too. My husband has not only sympathy pains with the pregnancy but sympathy “Pregnancy Brain” as well. If it doesn’t end, our child may be doomed.
A Mac or a PC? Jury is still out.
One time I was “detained” in an Ethiopia jail for a day. That didn’t make me nervous. The Breast pump isle at Target- THAT makes me nervous!
Things I like about summer- Homemade Ice-cream, Thursday Night Concerts on the Lake, Farmer’s Markets, Swimming, and a little color to my skin. (Notice Heat and Humidity are not listed here)
I’d like to take this time to Thank Old Navy for making dresses that make me feel pregnant and not fat.
2 years later…I still think my husband is cute while he is sleeping.
Baggage of all kinds is heavy to carry. I say pack what you need, leave the rest behind.
After many years I still believe the GPS might be one of this century’s best inventions.
No scientific proof is needed to make us believe “Pregnancy Brain” is real. The proof is in my daily living and daily bizarre acts of strangeness. Somehow it’s contagious too. My husband has not only sympathy pains with the pregnancy but sympathy “Pregnancy Brain” as well. If it doesn’t end, our child may be doomed.
A Mac or a PC? Jury is still out.
One time I was “detained” in an Ethiopia jail for a day. That didn’t make me nervous. The Breast pump isle at Target- THAT makes me nervous!
Things I like about summer- Homemade Ice-cream, Thursday Night Concerts on the Lake, Farmer’s Markets, Swimming, and a little color to my skin. (Notice Heat and Humidity are not listed here)
I’d like to take this time to Thank Old Navy for making dresses that make me feel pregnant and not fat.
2 years later…I still think my husband is cute while he is sleeping.
Baggage of all kinds is heavy to carry. I say pack what you need, leave the rest behind.
After many years I still believe the GPS might be one of this century’s best inventions.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
The Mustard Seed
One of the worst sounds I’ve ever heard was when I was nearby a woman just learning of her son’s suicide. I watched, as if in slow motion, her body crumble to the ground. While in the fetal position, a wailing sound came from her. She was weeping, and it was a deep cry coming from the depths of her soul. She was a stranger to me. I’d never met her. From that moment on, I’d never forget her or that sound billowing out from her inner most being.
I heard this sound a second time. It was right after the earthquake in Haiti. A woman was on the news sitting next to her dead child’s body on the side of the road. She was rocking back and forth. As she sat in a pile of concrete rubble, this sound was pouring from her lips, through the TV, to my ears, and into my heart. It was deep, powerful, painful, and originated from her spirit. The sounds from this broken Haitian woman still echo in my mind.
It’s the sound of pain. It’s the sound of loss. It’s the sound of something that was a part of them being ripped away. It’s powerful, and makes your own heart break seeing it from a distance. It did to me both times. The sound is unmistakable. On June 17th, 2010, I was surprised to hear it again. Only this time, it was coming from me.
In what was a little more than two short months of happiness, our joy turned to sadness. We learned that the child I was pregnant with had died in my womb. As that same sound poured from me, I felt an eerie invitation into the brotherhood of mothers who have experienced loss. It’s a brotherhood of sorts for the suffering. I was repulsed by it. It’s not the kind of club you dream of joining. Unfortunately, there is no option to “return to sender” on this type of invite. There was no box to check “not able to attend” on the RSVP section. I was violently taken there with my feet dragging, and I hated the forced initiation. In this club, there are many, probably more than we know. Although it’s a comfort knowing you’re not the only one there, it doesn’t take away the reason you are there…the loss of a child. It’s not an easy thing to go through.
The baby died, but my body didn’t know it. We had gone in for an ultrasound, and it was expected to be routine. Instead of leaving with a picture in our hands and smiles on our faces, we left with concerns. Something didn’t seem right. One week later, it was confirmed that the baby was no longer alive. It’s surreal how it feels like a lifetime ago, but yet only yesterday that it all happened. It changed me and I’ll probably never be the same. How can you lose something so precious to you and not be changed? I felt crushed, robbed, and broken.
I remember the prayers softly spoken as tears violently chased each other down my face so many nights. I silently muttered them with the slightest ounce of faith. It was so small; you could say it was the size of a mustard seed. “Lord, please start healing my heart.” Deep down, I wasn’t sure it would happen. Gradually, it did.
As the one year anniversary of that day draws near, I’m in awe of how He works. Do we still hurt? Yes, there will always be a scar on our hearts. However, God’s plan is great and we rejoice in the joy He has given us since that horrible day in June. I’m now expecting a little one due in Sept. We’ve made it past the danger zone of the first trimester and as my Dr. says “everything looks perfect” this time around. A sweet little miracle was in store for us. We prayed for it and received. I look forward to the day in Sept when we can introduce him or her to the world.
I have a small jar of mustard seeds on the counter of our kitchen. I look at it often and am reminded of the verse below. May you claim the promises He has for you in whatever place you are in your life. A miracle may just be in store for you in the days ahead…..
Matthew 17:20
"He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”
I heard this sound a second time. It was right after the earthquake in Haiti. A woman was on the news sitting next to her dead child’s body on the side of the road. She was rocking back and forth. As she sat in a pile of concrete rubble, this sound was pouring from her lips, through the TV, to my ears, and into my heart. It was deep, powerful, painful, and originated from her spirit. The sounds from this broken Haitian woman still echo in my mind.
It’s the sound of pain. It’s the sound of loss. It’s the sound of something that was a part of them being ripped away. It’s powerful, and makes your own heart break seeing it from a distance. It did to me both times. The sound is unmistakable. On June 17th, 2010, I was surprised to hear it again. Only this time, it was coming from me.
In what was a little more than two short months of happiness, our joy turned to sadness. We learned that the child I was pregnant with had died in my womb. As that same sound poured from me, I felt an eerie invitation into the brotherhood of mothers who have experienced loss. It’s a brotherhood of sorts for the suffering. I was repulsed by it. It’s not the kind of club you dream of joining. Unfortunately, there is no option to “return to sender” on this type of invite. There was no box to check “not able to attend” on the RSVP section. I was violently taken there with my feet dragging, and I hated the forced initiation. In this club, there are many, probably more than we know. Although it’s a comfort knowing you’re not the only one there, it doesn’t take away the reason you are there…the loss of a child. It’s not an easy thing to go through.
The baby died, but my body didn’t know it. We had gone in for an ultrasound, and it was expected to be routine. Instead of leaving with a picture in our hands and smiles on our faces, we left with concerns. Something didn’t seem right. One week later, it was confirmed that the baby was no longer alive. It’s surreal how it feels like a lifetime ago, but yet only yesterday that it all happened. It changed me and I’ll probably never be the same. How can you lose something so precious to you and not be changed? I felt crushed, robbed, and broken.
I remember the prayers softly spoken as tears violently chased each other down my face so many nights. I silently muttered them with the slightest ounce of faith. It was so small; you could say it was the size of a mustard seed. “Lord, please start healing my heart.” Deep down, I wasn’t sure it would happen. Gradually, it did.
As the one year anniversary of that day draws near, I’m in awe of how He works. Do we still hurt? Yes, there will always be a scar on our hearts. However, God’s plan is great and we rejoice in the joy He has given us since that horrible day in June. I’m now expecting a little one due in Sept. We’ve made it past the danger zone of the first trimester and as my Dr. says “everything looks perfect” this time around. A sweet little miracle was in store for us. We prayed for it and received. I look forward to the day in Sept when we can introduce him or her to the world.
I have a small jar of mustard seeds on the counter of our kitchen. I look at it often and am reminded of the verse below. May you claim the promises He has for you in whatever place you are in your life. A miracle may just be in store for you in the days ahead…..
Matthew 17:20
"He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”
Monday, January 31, 2011
Super Bowl Fever
It’s not the motorcade to provide safety that bothers me. It’s the crowds of people standing along side of the road waving and cheering widely. It’s the airplane “Shower of Affection” that is normally given to heroes, military servicemen, or dignitaries upon arrival at an airport. It’s the armed motorcade, news breaking reports, etc for the carrying in of the football trophy. I’m all about a good football game, don’t get me wrong. I’m just not about to worship the players. Ugh.
This is Super Bowl week in Dallas. As I watched people line the road, to wave at the players riding by in their police accompanied parade, I think of Palm Sunday. Remember when the people waved palms as the Messiah rode by on a Donkey? Today, we give an even bigger welcome and worship to our society’s idols that play a sport. The players are very well paid for their jobs, I might add. Christ PAID a price to do what He was placed here to do, and He did it to save us..not pad his bank account.
Yes, I’ll be watching the game this Sunday. I’ll be cheering on my favored team. I won’t be buying into our modern day Babylon’s attempt to make these players God though. It makes me sad that we have soldiers returning from war that they receive only a fraction of a welcome compared to this. As the Super Bowl draws near, I’m reminded to keep things in perspective while I live in a city that has come down with Super Bowl Fever.
This is Super Bowl week in Dallas. As I watched people line the road, to wave at the players riding by in their police accompanied parade, I think of Palm Sunday. Remember when the people waved palms as the Messiah rode by on a Donkey? Today, we give an even bigger welcome and worship to our society’s idols that play a sport. The players are very well paid for their jobs, I might add. Christ PAID a price to do what He was placed here to do, and He did it to save us..not pad his bank account.
Yes, I’ll be watching the game this Sunday. I’ll be cheering on my favored team. I won’t be buying into our modern day Babylon’s attempt to make these players God though. It makes me sad that we have soldiers returning from war that they receive only a fraction of a welcome compared to this. As the Super Bowl draws near, I’m reminded to keep things in perspective while I live in a city that has come down with Super Bowl Fever.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Super Bowl- Isn't just about football
Something has been heavy on my heart for months. It’s been stirring and I’m just now sitting down to write about it. I hate to be the one to burst someone’s bubble, spoil a good moment, or be a party pooper, but it’s necessary to do for this. I should warn you though. What you are about to read will change the way you look at an annual event in the US. I’m not sure where to begin, but I’ll give it my best shot.
Some look forward to the big Super Bowl game each winter because of their love of the game. Some look forward to it for the new commercials that come out and entertain them. Many, whom I just became aware were out there, flock to the game for another reason. It’s a reason that hides in the darkness and lures those with ill intentions.
The Super Bowl isn’t just a game day to many. To many who hold others captive, it’s their biggest day of business of the year. For the thousands of woman and children being held captive in the sex slavery, it’s another day of being exploited, abused, and violated.
Did you know that human sex trafficking is considered the 2nd biggest industry in the world? It comes in right behind drug trafficking. Texas is considered one of worst places for domestic and international human trafficking in the US. Since the Super Bowl 2011 is being held in Texas, the numbers of those being victimized will be outrageous.
Texas Attorney General, Greg Abbott, recently made a few statements in a recent press conference about this topic. “Abbott cited a report from a Florida task force estimating that tens of thousands of women and minors were trafficked in the Miami area during the last Super Bowl. The game is considered "one of the biggest human-trafficking events in the United States,he said.”
According to my findings, thousands of woman and children are brought to the city hosting the yearly Super Bowl event. I’ve been told that the human traffickers are going into upper class neighborhoods and renting homes for the game weekend. Unbeknownst to the homeowners, they are using these homes as brothels. In many cases, home owners that are about to be foreclosed on, are sought after to be offered money to rent their house for the weekend. These upper scale neighborhoods are the perfect cover for men to have sex with women and children being held against their will. Thousands of women are brought to the city holding the event for this purpose. Who are these people who are doing this? Who are these men paying for sex with children? It makes me sick.
Will you pray today for these women and children? Some are runaway teens. Some are kidnapped children. Some are foreigners that were tricked into captivity. Some are women who made a decision to trust the wrong person. All need our prayers. Will you pray for the men who are paying to use these women? Will you pray for the law enforcement and social services desperately trying to rescue those who are being victimized?
I had no idea that a sporting event was the biggest event for such reprehensible acts in our own backyards. I’ll be looking at the Super Bowl differently this year. I encourage you to do the same. This problem is bigger than you and me. It’s not bigger than the God who we pray to. He is the Hope for hopeless and the desolate. He is the Rescuer and Redeemer.
Some look forward to the big Super Bowl game each winter because of their love of the game. Some look forward to it for the new commercials that come out and entertain them. Many, whom I just became aware were out there, flock to the game for another reason. It’s a reason that hides in the darkness and lures those with ill intentions.
The Super Bowl isn’t just a game day to many. To many who hold others captive, it’s their biggest day of business of the year. For the thousands of woman and children being held captive in the sex slavery, it’s another day of being exploited, abused, and violated.
Did you know that human sex trafficking is considered the 2nd biggest industry in the world? It comes in right behind drug trafficking. Texas is considered one of worst places for domestic and international human trafficking in the US. Since the Super Bowl 2011 is being held in Texas, the numbers of those being victimized will be outrageous.
Texas Attorney General, Greg Abbott, recently made a few statements in a recent press conference about this topic. “Abbott cited a report from a Florida task force estimating that tens of thousands of women and minors were trafficked in the Miami area during the last Super Bowl. The game is considered "one of the biggest human-trafficking events in the United States,he said.”
According to my findings, thousands of woman and children are brought to the city hosting the yearly Super Bowl event. I’ve been told that the human traffickers are going into upper class neighborhoods and renting homes for the game weekend. Unbeknownst to the homeowners, they are using these homes as brothels. In many cases, home owners that are about to be foreclosed on, are sought after to be offered money to rent their house for the weekend. These upper scale neighborhoods are the perfect cover for men to have sex with women and children being held against their will. Thousands of women are brought to the city holding the event for this purpose. Who are these people who are doing this? Who are these men paying for sex with children? It makes me sick.
Will you pray today for these women and children? Some are runaway teens. Some are kidnapped children. Some are foreigners that were tricked into captivity. Some are women who made a decision to trust the wrong person. All need our prayers. Will you pray for the men who are paying to use these women? Will you pray for the law enforcement and social services desperately trying to rescue those who are being victimized?
I had no idea that a sporting event was the biggest event for such reprehensible acts in our own backyards. I’ll be looking at the Super Bowl differently this year. I encourage you to do the same. This problem is bigger than you and me. It’s not bigger than the God who we pray to. He is the Hope for hopeless and the desolate. He is the Rescuer and Redeemer.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Soar on Wings Like Eagles
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