A couple of my soap dispensers were getting low and I noticed my refill jug only had a few drops of soap left in it. The other day I also ran across a recipe for homemade hand soap. I thought, “Why not?” And so I did.
2- 4oz bars of soap (not beauty bars or moisture bars. Needs to be bar soap)
2 Tablespoons of Glycerin (Found in the first aid aisle)
1 Gallon of Water
Large pot, cheese grater, wooden spoon, and container for soap
First use the cheese grater to shave the bars of soap. Next place the soap shavings in 1 gallon of heated water (heated at high heat close to a boil). Add Glycerin. Stir until all soap shavings have melted. Remove from heat. Let sit undisturbed for 10-12 hours. Stir soap with a wooden spoon. Soap will have hardened. If needed, take electric mixer and mix up the soap. Add water if after mixing, it is not the consistency of liquid hand soap. Pour into container and store.
The bars of soap were $1.75 for 2 bars. The Glycerin was less than $3 and I used a small portion of the bottle (less than half). The gallon jug is over twice the size of the Softsoap refill that I usually buy (See picture to compare). The cost of making this soap was just a fraction of what you would spend at the store. It was kind of fun to make and was very easy to do. The bar soap I used was Pomegranate Mango (Softsoap Brand). It’s got a nice scent and a pretty pink color too!
I think this idea is awesome!! Thank you for sharing!
What does the glycerin do?
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