Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy New Year!

As my mind’s eye scans the shelf labeled 2009 in my head and heart, I see it is full. It seems just like yesterday I needed book ends to hold the titles up from falling over in the shelf. That was about January of this year or so. Now they are packed in so tight, I am having to give them a shove to fit on the shelf. My wedding album is there, it’s one of my favorites. One book is there that is labeled “New Experiences.” It’s probably the biggest one on the shelf. Some of are hiking, kayaking, camping, and travel. Some are of gushy love stuff that newlyweds are known for. Some are of challenges and some are of trials. All are of blessings and covered with God’s love and work.

Last year I shared with you that Phil and I often ask each other “How did we get here” in an awe like tone of how the Lord has worked in our lives. I still think He does it one day at a time. Yet again, in those one day at a time moments this year, I have laughed, cried, learned, and walked away with a cup overflowing more than ever before.

Here are some random things (in random order) that I learned in those one day at a time moments this year:

-If you don’t unpack all boxes after a move, certain things will be lost forever…the boxes will eat them
-Kayaking at sunset reminds you God is near
-There is a society for everything…even Dutch Ovens
-“I do.”- Best words I’ve ever spoken and best words ever said to me
-Love can make you do crazy things…like caving through tiny holes while claustrophobia is knocking at your door
-A fork can be used as a hair comb in a pinch
-Being far away from things in life makes you realize how much you love them…like my family and Whitey’s Ice Cream
-An infant’s coffin is one of the hardest things to see in life
-A couple’s massage on the beach at sunset in St. Lucia is hard to beat
-Hearing the Lord takes practice
-Covering your mouth when you sneeze and washing your hands is important…our president says so
-My husband is the best husband in the world
-Standing up for what is right is the right thing to do
-Date nights are the best nights
-Seeing the same children in an orphanage year after year is a harsh picture of an unjust world
-If gourmet dog treats that look like chocolate chip cookies and are sitting next to cookies for people...they WILL get people.
-520 spiral staircase steps are a reminder of how young you aren’t anymore
-Name changes, DMVs, and registration lines are what sit-coms where created from
-There are some things in life I will never understand the purpose of…like Beef Jerky
-Risk taking for the Lord is worth it…Even if you are still waiting to see what His plan is
-Time in prayer is never wasted time

Can it actually be that it is time to move to a new shelf and a new year? So much has happened. I gaze at the space on the shelf for 2010. It’s empty. The potential that hovers around it is immense. I think I know of a few books that may fill up the spot, but I’m not totally sure. The pages of those books have yet to be written and the endings are still up in the air. Ready or not…on to a new year, new books, new memories, same promise….

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." – Jeremiah 29:11-13

Happy New Year!

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