A bird chirps. A dog barks. Tree branches move in the wind, and the sound of rustling leaves fills the area that surrounds me. As I look at what was once a beautiful gardenia bush waiting to be planted, I realize my over zealous desire to water it has drowned it and made it yellow and sick.
An ant scurries across the mound of dirt. Rushing to get back to his home. A cucumber plant gains height as I stare. Its growth is so slow I can’t see it moving. However, tomorrow, I will be shocked to see how tall it got in just one day.
A loud crash. A racing engine. The garbage truck and workers are earlier than normal. I faintly hear the ice maker churning and spitting ice into the bucket. At my feet sleeping and breathing softly is one of the sweetest little dogs known to man.
This is my attempt to be still, to be silent, and to listen.
As my mind wanders here and there, I reflect. God is good.
In the midst of the unknown on a sick loved one’s battle, I know that He is Jehovah-Rophe (The Lord who Heals). I give thanks.
As I realize the precious gift of the arms of a husband that hold me so tight and in a way I’ve never felt it be okay to let go and cry before, I know that He is Jehovah-Jireh (The Lord who Provides) I give thanks.
As I think about all those suffering in a world that is not our home, I know that He is El-Shaddai. (The Lord who is Sufficient for the needs of His people). I give thanks.
I stand in awe of the ways he works. I stand in awe of the thousands of leaves on the trees in my backyard and realize He created each one. I know that He cares for each bird in my yard and the lilies in the field. I wonder how. My mind can’t fathom it all, but my heart rejoices.
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