Sunday, January 25, 2009

Ordinary to Extrordinary

I was recently reminded of a probable conversation that happened in the Bible. It went something like this:

God: “I need you do so some big things”
Moses: “Who Me? Not ME! Lord, I have nothing and am not equipped. You should pick someone else”
God: “I want to use YOU. What have you got there in your hand?”
Moses: “I have a stick. It is all that I have.”
God: “Okay. If you give me that stick, I will use it AND you.”

I imagined putting myself in that conversation today. I challenge you to do the same. Maybe you are thinking:
“What do you have in mind, Lord?”
“Well, that depends on what it will cost me, Lord.”
“Why me?”
“I have nothing. You should definitely pick someone else who is better equipped for the job.”

Sometimes we think of men and women in the Bible and hold them at a level higher than that of ourselves. I often forget about how many of the remarkable characters were not so extraordinary to start with. They were sinners just like us. Some were tax collectors, outcasts, misfits, and criminals. Some were the poorest of poor. The Lord used them and took them from ordinary to extraordinary.

I have been thinking a lot lately about how He calls us all to do his work. Maybe He calls us all at the level He called all those amazing characters in the Bible. Maybe their stories made it in the Bible only because they said yes when He called.

I imagined what my personal response would be. “Lord, I have nothing and am not equipped for your work. I only have these two hands. Take them. Use them. Use me.”

Please realize He is calling each and every one of us. Right now, in fact. He wants to use us for extraordinary things..bigger things than we can even imagine. We just have to be willing. If you want a sign, you reading this IS your sign. He is asking..and waiting for your answer. Are you willing to give Him the stick in your hand? Are you willing to give Him your hands? Today is the day. What will your answer be?


Brandy said...

Awesome! Amen sister! And often God equips you in ways and for things you couldn't possibly begin to imagine. So hang on and enjoy the ride! :)

Anonymous said...

Yep, Lord use my feet, my mind, my lips, my thoughts, my heart...Lord, God...USE ALL OF ME...emotionally, physically, and spiritually...whatever You want....I am yours.

It only took me 60 years to get to this place...but, finally,"I AM HERE"....I guess I can identify with Abraham..

Unitl He Shouts!
et (Esther Taylor)