Monday, January 19, 2009


I believe God intertwines the paths of people for a purpose. Sometimes we are blessed with the knowledge of it happening and what comes from it. Other times we are not. Three years ago my path crossed with someone a world away from the place I call home. I was born and raised in a small town in Illinois. He was born in a part of the world I hadn’t really known existed until a few years ago.

His name is Dacian. The first time our paved journeys made contact, I didn’t get to know him well. Thankfully, the Lord gave me another chance. Sometimes we are given opportunities in life that we would not normally get on our own, but because they are orchestrated by God, it happens and we are so very blessed. Only because of this, Daci soon became someone I now call, “friend.”

I have seen him in times of joy. I have seen him in times of trial. I have seen him persevere through unfair attacks in life. I have seen him shine through it all. He has taught me how to keep faith in times of not understanding the Lord’s plan and how through no matter what, to give thanks that God is in control. I have learned so much from him.

Daci doesn’t have an easy job. He is the country director for Buckner in Romania. He makes decisions everyday on how to best meet the needs of so many orphans and poor children in Romania. Each day he sees children living in conditions many here have only read about or seen on TV. Many of these children look up to him like a hero. He is blessed by living in a beautiful country, but in one that has challenges and limitations that we cannot imagine. This is a guy who wears many hats. Two of his most important roles are that of a husband and father. He has lots of pink in his future as they are expecting another daughter on the way this summer! I have never seen his face light up more than when he talks about his family.

In times of economic hardship, we all tend to get anxious about money and security. Things are no different in Romania. Imagine working with orphan children everyday and realizing if people don’t give out of their pockets and the kindness of their hearts even more than ever, the wonderful children you work with will have no place to go. They will receive no meal, no clothing, no education, no spiritual nourishment, and no warmth of a hug from a loving caregiver. These are desperate times for these precious children.

His job is not easy. (Yes, this is the second time I said that.) He has had opportunities to take the easy way out, the less stressful careers, or the higher paying jobs, but he continues to serve the Lord where the Lord tells him to serve. He has remained faithful and is a good man. He has lot on his plate. So, I ask you for a favor. I ask you to pray for my brother and friend today. I introduced you to him so you know who he is and that the children he serves need our help. If you would be so kind, please lift this man, his family, his programs, and his many children up in prayer today. If you want to make a difference in the life of an orphan child, it can start right now with that prayer.


todd said...

........buna dacian!

Anonymous said...

Dacian, you have my prayers. My daughter married Dragos...from Buchareste, Romania 7 years ago.

Brandy said...

Wow...Go Dacian! What a blessing you are...have been...and will continue to be. Be lifted up my friend!