Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sense of Humor

If you have ever wondered if God has a sense of humor, I am here to tell you that He does. Trust me in the fact that I have seen His sense of humor a work in so many ways in my life. I often find myself in situations where I can imagine Him chuckling at me. Sometimes, I find myself in situations where I hope He is chuckling because that would mean something good came out of my somewhat awkward moments in life. Here are a couple that happened on the mission field.

I was recently waiting for a flight from Ethiopia to Kenya. I was with two others and we had plenty of time before our flight was to board. We were at the gate area and we were so thirsty. I offered to get us some drinks and bring them back. When I returned with the 3 cans of Coke, I noticed the room had emptied of the Kenya bound passengers. Panic set in as an airline employee said they were about to shut the door to the shuttle leading to the plane. He told me to run. As I got to the door, I fumbled to find my passport, and I looked up. I saw a bus full of angry passengers who, by watching me run towards them, realized I was the reason they were stuck waiting. At this point, those three lovely cans of Coke broke through the bag and rolled across the airport basement in three different directions. A collective sigh came from the passengers as if to say in unison, “Oh great, now we have to wait for her to pick up those cans!” Heat grew up my face from deep within. I was laughing, nervously of course at first, but had to run across that room to pick up the dented cans. I boarded with the other passengers and clumsily juggled the dented cans, bags, boarding pass, etc. I knew God was laughing with me. No one else was.

Once while speaking at a church about missions, I stood up to the podium, and stepped on the bottom of my long skirt. Yes, my skirt fell down. Thankfully, I was close enough to the podium so I could pull it back up quickly, no one saw it but Him and I. I think He was laughing that time.

Once in Romania, I leaned over to a homeless person to say, “God Loves You.” Only after this person followed me and kept giving me looks as if to have a crush on me, I realized in my efforts to speak that phrase in Romanian, I had actually said, “I Love You.” I think He was laughing that time too.

There are many, too many actually, other instances of times He has proven He has a sense of humor. Why else would these things be allowed to happen, other than for the distinct reason to make us smile and laugh? I love how He fills our hearts with joy, even if it does make us blush at times.

1 comment:

Brandy said...

Still remember the "I love you" slip in Romania...we were laughing with God on this one...that I am sure. :)