Thursday, October 30, 2008


While finishing a prayer recently about change, underneath my closed my eyes I saw an image Christ. There He was, with children standing around him. He was waving his hands back and forth. As He did, water in the sea nearby morphed gigantic waves that reached the sky. The wind picked up and lighting lit up the sky all over. As I looked at the children, they were not scared. The hair on their heads didn’t even move in the storm. How could that be? It was so windy. In that moment, the Lord reminded me, “I am in control. I command the wind and the rain. Even in a storm, I protect my children.” With that, my body jerked and I seemed to wake up from the experience.

Am I the only one that feels the word “Change” repeatedly getting pounded into my head lately? Change. As I held a yard sale last weekend, I thought about how my life is changing. I am preparing to get married to a wonderful man, moving a long distance from where I live, and how my life is about to change in many aspects in other ways…good ways. The weather outside is getting cooler. I pulled out and put on a warm coat this week to wear out in the cold. I cranked up the space heater at work and even marveled at the sight of frost melting from my windshield on a brisk cool morning. Quite a change from the summer clothes and A/C we lived in not so long ago. Outside my window, I see leaves on the ground. In a matter of weeks, they changed colors and fell from the branches. Change, it's everywhere.

The last few weeks, I think we all feel like we have been riding on the economic roller coaster. Unfortunately, they don’t make Dramamine for is type of motion sickness. One second we are up, and then we are down. Why, we even have a presidential candidate promising and basing his entire campaign on what else?? Change.

I’ll admit, when I see change coming or hear that word, sometimes my initial reaction is anxiousness. Sometimes, it is excitement, but usually there is always a longing of wanting and feeling a need to know what is next. Those question marks about the future tend to drive me crazy. Is it because I am a planner? Because I am a control freak? Because I allow myself to forget He is in control?? I am guessing, it is all of the above!

Sometimes we get into situations of changed being forced upon us. Maybe we don’t understand why or even agree with it. Maybe we can’t see what is beyond that cloud of question marks when trying to look ahead to the future, and we feel anxious. It isn’t a comfortable feeling. Change seems to be impacting so many that I love. I think of a man that is nearing his final days on earth. I think of those who feel uncertain about the outcome of our presidential election. I thought about how I wished I could somehow fix or change certain things myself that I can see causing pain to others.

I think about the change going on in my personal life and give thanks for the peace that I feel about it. Change is an easier thing to accept when you realize it is His will. Sometimes, it takes a while to get to that point though. Recently, the Lord met me in some self-reflecting moments reminding me that although change is hard at times, if He is allowing it, there is a reason. He can see our future, and He always knows what is best.

The Spirit spoke within me about trust. I may not know why things happen the way they do, but I do trust Him. Why are people suffering? Why does it feel like the nice guys always come in last? Why can’t people do the right thing? What gives me the right to feel like I should know why about everything He allows and does? We must trust and obey.

In a world of change, our confidence comes from what He promises to us:

Malachi 3:6 I the Lord do not change.

Hebrews 13:8
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

In a world of change, some things do stay the same. He is the same. His plan is Sovereign, and He is in control. No matter who is elected president, no matter what the weather is, no matter what changes go on around you that you don’t understand, He remains solid. He will remain the same in His great all-knowing majesty, and no matter what…He always protects His children and is in control.

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