Monday, October 6, 2008

The Engagement

On March 29th 2008, a man I had known for a few months, walked into the office where I was working. I had known him for about 6 months and seen him a couple of times before. However, this time seeing him seemed different for some reason. I remember it so well. He had on a brown shirt, faded jeans, and leather jacket. He was holding and drinking an Orange Julius milk shake. Little did I know that day would change my life forever. That was the day that started a 6 month relationship where I would learn what it truly meant to fall in love and want to spend the rest of your life with someone. I would learn what it meant to have a relationship that had the Lord in the middle. I would learn what it was like to receive a gift of a best friend, companion, and the love of my life.

The next 6 months of my life were filled with a joy and love I had never experienced before. Phil often asked me when it was when I knew I fell in love with him. I would always tell him it was somewhere between that Orange Julius and now. I would then tease him about how when he was in the office that day in March, I thought it was disappointing that he didn’t even offer me a drink of that Orange Julius.

October 2nd 2008. I was supposed to pick Phil up at the airport. He had called and texted me several times to inform me that his plane had been delayed from the airport in Dallas. Since I knew he was going to be a bit delayed, I went home to change and put the 2 bouquets of roses he sent me that day, in some fresh water and a pretty vase. As I was scurrying around my apartment, Phil called again. He called to say he was still in Dallas and his plane hadn’t taken off yet. He also told me that he had just received a call from a delivery man saying he had been knocking on my door but I wasn’t answering.

With confusion (I hadn’t heard any knocking) and anticipation (thinking about what else he could possibly be having delivered to me) I opened the door. There standing in the front yard, was my so very handsome and magnificent boyfriend. Phil was there standing with a single rose in one hand and an Orange Julius milkshake in the other.

I was so bewildered and confused. All I could do is laugh. I yelled, “Get Out!” (In a how could you trick me.. I can’t believe it way.) Then I told him to come in, but he wouldn’t. He just stood there smiling and said, “Beth, I love you.” I was still laughing. I couldn’t figure out how he got to my apartment when I was supposed to pick him up. He explained that he had flown in early that day to Moline and rented a car. His plane had not been delayed. At this point, I had no idea what was about to happen. I just thought this was my clever and sweet boyfriend’s way of surprising me and making me smile that day.

He came to the door and stood in the doorway. He looked at me and asked, “Beth Bateman, would you share this Orange Julius with me?” “Yes, now get in here” I replied as I motioned for him to come inside the apartment. He just looked at me, tilted his head and smiled. “Beth, would you share this Orange Julius with me for the rest of my life?” He asked. “Yes,” I replied and chuckled at such a strange request. “Okay then,” he said as he took a ring off of his pinky finger and dropped down to one knee. At the sight of this, my hands covered my mouth, my eyes welled up with tears, and my legs started shaking and gliding me backward moving me back into my apartment as I stood in disbelief. “Beth, will you marry me?” He asked.

Wow. I stood there for a brief second and then just tried to soak it in. I didn’t have to think about what my answer would be. I had dreamed of this moment for some time. I didn’t even look at the ring when he asked. I was looking in his eyes. “Yes!” I answered and wrapped my arms around him. After a few kisses and a long embrace, I looked at the ring. It was the most perfect ring he could have given me. How did he know it would look just right on my finger? Did he know the mere sight of its beauty and perfection would make me weak in the knees? The ring was so amazing, but not nearly as amazing as him.

My answer was yes. Yes, I choose him to spend the rest of my life with. Yes, I choose him to love and cherish for the rest of our lives. Who knew that on October 2nd 2008 at 3:15 PM, I would be gently lifted onto cloud nine? You know, it is pretty wonderful up there. There is one down side to that location though. Your cheeks hurt from smiling so much! I think that cloud is the place that God puts us so we can realize that all the prayers we have prayed are heard and answered. He puts us there to allow us to realize how much He loves us. He put me there to realize He loves me so much, that He had this gift in planning for Phil and I from the beginning. I am so very blessed and so incredibly thankful. Thankful to Him for bringing Phil into my life and answering so many of those prayers I have prayed for many years. Thankful for the gift of fully understanding the verses in 1 Corinthians 14: 4-13. Thankful to Phil for loving me, being the amazing man that he is, and being all that I could ask for and more. Again, I am so very blessed.


Kacee said...

Ohhh Beth...I teared up just reading your story. How sweet and incredible! We are so happy for you guys and I know you will have such an amazing life together.


Melinda said...

Oh Beth and Phil -- what a story. So nice to meet Phil on Saturday. What a lovely moment at the front door - Phil is so creative...and he's marrying one creative woman as we know here at Moody Radio! Very cool how God brought two like-minded people together....who have the same passion for world ministry. Great to read of your excitement for marriage. We'll miss you at Moody Radio Beth!!!!!!!! But I know God has great serving opportunites ahead for you and Phil - a new chapter. God Bless you and your marriage.

Sondra McCarty said... very romantic! God has certainly joined 2 of his angels together. Becky is going to be thrilled when she reads your story when she returns from the Amazon. I will continue to pray for you and Phil as you plan the journey ahead and for your wedding and marriage. Blessings to you both. Much Love, Sondra McCarty

D said...

Wow! Such a cool story and I'm so excited for you two!

A said...

Beth!! How EXCITING!! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I don't know that Phil guy, but I can say he is probably the luckiest and (for sure say), the MOST BLESSED guy in the world, to have met a woman with so much passion and zest for life....

Deb said...

What a great story. I didn't know Phil was such a romantic guy.
Congratz to you both, from a Buckner family.

Dave, Debbie & Isabel Brown

beckyww said...

Two cuties!

My name is Stacie... said...

Congratulations Beth and Phil. Beth, you don't know our family but Phil was our lifeline during the 3 1/2 year wait to bring our daughter home from Guatemala. His compassion, godly counsel, and steadfast faith in God's perfect plan for our family brought us through a very difficult journey. He is very special indeed. Blessings to you both! The Chalupka Family

Suz said...

Congratulations Beth (and Phil)!!

I am so thrilled to know that God has directed your paths (finally!) to find one another.

Phil is like a brother and God's family-making-helper all rolled into one to us! He has walked a long road for and with us as we've built our family through adoption.

We were so sad when he left the adoption side of Buckner for his new position, but now we can see that this was most likely, at least in part, neccessary in order for him to find you!

He is a wonderful man, but I know you have already figured that out!

Congratulations from the happy hearted Yarbroughs!! Susie, David, Daria and our new baby Cash!

Anonymous said...

Beth and Phil...what a wonderful story!!! Beth, we looking forward to meeting you. Phil is a wonderful man who helped our family grow with our two precious children. You are both so blessed to have found each other. Many blessings to you both in the years to come!

David, Kari, Stewart (aka Vlad) and Inna

The Stricklands said...

Hi Beth!
We are the Stricklands from Amarillo, Texas. We have known Phil for many years, and he even traveled to China with us to get our precious Molly Anne. He is known as "Uncle Phil" at our house :) Best wishes on a blessed life with this wonderful man. We look forward to meeting you soon!

Anonymous said...

Beth, I've spent many nights around a campfire with Phil talking about what his perfect mate would be. And though we have never met, (someday I hope we take care of that) I know you exceed all that he could have ever hoped for. I gladly surrender my spot at the campfire to you.

Suz said...

Beth, I missed the interview this morning! I was putting the baby down and didn't get to the computer till 7:55. Is there an archive where I can find it to listen??

Beth said...


The audio file of the interview is now up online. You can listen to it at:

There is a link at the bottom of the page. :)

Andrea said...

Beth, you have no clue who I am but my husband and I have known Phil for YEARS! :) I know his sister better and ran into her this past weekend and she told me the good news.

Congrats you two! What a blessing to find your life long Orange Julius partner.

I'll be staying tuned for updates.
