Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Roses

I was recently driving to work one morning. It was one of those mornings that many of you can relate to. I didn’t sleep well the night before, and was dropping things all morning. When I got to work, my bottle of water rolled underneath the car when the bag I was carrying it in broke. My heels sunk into the mud when I walked around the car to retrieve it. When I bent over, my jaw hurt from what I can assume was a night of grinding my teeth in one of the nightmares I endured. It felt like everything I touched, either broke or was hurting….including my attitude, it seems. It just wasn’t my morning.

I juggled, what seemed like, all my worldly possessions in my arms and pried the front door of work open. As I fumbled my way in, I saw a long box in the entry way. It had my name on it. Much to my surprise, inside were two beautiful bouquets of roses. My wonderful boyfriend, Phil had sent me flowers and had a touching note attached to accompany them. Not only were some major boyfriend points gained by him with the flowers, my spirits perked up and my heart filled with joy, I also had a moment of pure thanksgiving for what beautiful creations the Lord gives us.

They sat on my desk at work and filled the room with a sweet aroma. They were petite roses and there were many of them. I studied them. Wow. How absolutely beautiful roses are. After I got them into some water, the buds began to open up. Each petal was unique from the rest. Each layer of petals came alive and jumped out at me with a vision of artistic splendor. Some were tall and some were short. Some were dark and some were light. Some had more petals than others. Some were big and some were small. None of them looked exactly the same. However, each one was perfect.

I marveled at how the Lord created each one of these buds. He hand crafted them with the purpose of being enjoyed…and enjoyed they were. It reminded me of the giraffes and zebras I have seen in Africa. Each spot and stripe hand painted on the animal. Each mark on their bodies was placed there by Him, therefore creating a masterpiece in each one.

In a world of Botox, plastic surgery trends, and a world obsessed with image, we tend to get caught up in not appreciating the time and perfection in our own personal creation. I am as guilty as anyone at times. I tend to not even make the short two block journey to the post office without make up on. Reality is that the One who takes time to perfect each petal on every rose and each spot on the animals living in the wild, took even more time to perfect us in our creation. Some of us are tall and some are short. Some of us are dark and some are light. Some of us are big and some are small. None of us are exactly alike in all ways. However, each of us was made perfect in His eyes and with His hands.

It’s amazing how taking the time to observe His creations, can change your day. Each time I glanced over at the roses, I not only thought of the one who sent them to me, but the One who created them to be enjoyed….and enjoyed they were.

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