Saturday, September 27, 2008

Faith and Economy

After a visit to the beach, it's hard to believe that we live in a material world. ~Pam Shaw

With all the discussions about our economy, watching the news can send you into a panic. I must admit, I recently fell into that trap. With words like, “Great Depression” “Economic Bailouts” and “Crashing Stock Markets” being a part of our daily conversations, it is easy to be discouraged. It makes us realize how weak we are and how much we need to lean on our God who is in control of it all.

Just the other day, I was letting the “What If” scenarios get the best of me when it came to these economy issues. The more I thought about things, the more I found myself taking huge breaths. You know, they were the kind of breaths that you take to calm yourself down a bit. All of the sudden, I realized how frustrating it must be for Him. I pictured Him looking down at me saying, “I have taken good care of you and provided for you for 28 years! How dare you consider Me not doing so in the future when I told you I would.” I felt bad. I realized how ungrateful I must seem at times. I have been provided with more than I needed.

I thought about my friends in other countries. What would they say to me if I told them what I was so anxious about? I thought about how many times, I have seen the faith they live out and how it is so much greater than mine. I was reminded that there are people hiding from the rebel armies in the bush in Africa. There are orphans wandering the streets of Romania, longing for a reprieve from their plight. There are so many hurting here in the US that are praying each night for protection from the abuse they endure. The troubles in my material world seem minor to others who are in greater need.

I realized how ungrateful I had been. One late night after a heartfelt prayer, the Lord spoke to me. It was almost midnight, and I felt a prompting to go and pick up the devotional book that was sitting nearby. It was a book where the last finger print I left on its pages was at least one month old. The page I flipped to that night gave a message that was like writing on the wall. The devotion was on faith and how we hurt God when we don’t have faith that He will take care of us. We worry so much on the “what ifs” in life. Doubting that He will take care of us is “Disobedient” it said. We complain about not having enough and don’t give thanks for how He provides. It gave the advice on how if we thankfully receive all that He gives us, we will have an easier time trusting Him. Wow. How’s that for perfect timing?! I was humbled that He took time to point me in the direction of that devotion to send me such a clear message.

I saw a beautiful sunset the other day. With all the brouhaha about the economy, I wonder if anyone noticed it. I challenge you to give thanks today for His provision, for the glorious sunrises and sunsets that He paints in the sky just for us, and for His promise to us that He is in control of everything.

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