Thursday, January 14, 2010


There is a picture stuck in my mind of a woman in pain. She sits on the pavement next to a dead body of someone she loves so dearly. The sound pouring from deep within her is a moan of absolute sadness and mourning. She sits next to the body on a sidewalk as people walk by. She rocks back and forth and wails with sorrow and pain. Bodies line the streets. Homeless children wander for someone to tend to their bloody wounds. The images are heartbreaking. These are just some of thousands facing the tragedy of the earthquake in Haiti.

The Haitian people need our prayers. Please pray for my friend Larry (pictured above) who has invested his heart in Haiti. He will make his way there this weekend. He goes looking for his friends who have become like family to him. He goes to check on his children in the orphanage. He goes to find people who need medical attention. He goes to be the hands and feet of Christ.

Prayer is a powerful thing and the very thing they all need. Please lift Larry and the people of Haiti up in your prayers today. The need is great, but our God is greater.

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