Monday, December 15, 2008

Who Do You Worship?

I just received a computer program that organizes my finances. It has a feature in which you categorize each check you write. That way, at any given time, you can tell where you are spending the most of your money. I’ll admit, I was reluctant to install it at first. I was afraid what I might see.

My fiancĂ© and I were just talking recently about finances and money. We were talking about how as a society, it really is so easy to get wrapped up into “things”. Phil said just that day a speaker he heard made a statement such as, “I have more things in my kitchen than many people will own in their life.” I think most of us would qualify as being able to say that statement truthfully as well. The picture above is one of a typical home in the slums of Kenya. This puts things into perspective for me.

Billy Graham once said, “A Checkbook is a theological document, it will tell you who and what you worship.”

Take a look at your checkbook today. Is it telling you who or what you worship? Something to think about.

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