Tuesday, December 9, 2008

What Will Your Answer Be?

Cowardice asks the question, “Is it safe?” Expedience asks the question, “Is it popular?” But conscience asks the question, “Is it right?” And there comes a time when one must take a position, neither safe nor popular, but one must take it because it is right. -Martin Luther King

Have you ever been in one of those situations? Having a gut feeling about what you should do, but feeling the pressure of giving in because it isn’t the popular or safest thing to do? It’s not an easy place to be in life. We have probably all been there. Maybe you didn’t take that certain job offer because you didn’t think they offered you enough money. You thought it wouldn’t be safe for your financial well-being. Maybe you felt like you should serve in missions overseas, but didn’t think it was safe to fly over the ocean. Maybe you laughed a racist joke at work because not laughing would have been unpopular. Maybe you picked a career that was acceptable to others instead of doing what you felt called to.

Doing what’s right can be a difficult place to be in. It can be uncomfortable, awkward, and even feel lonely at times. Thinking back, I realize, I have never regretted going with the gut feeling He has given me about things. I can also recall times I was a coward or did what was popular and chickened out when it came to listening to my conscience. Then there are those times, when we just don’t know what direction to go in. Maybe the fog is so thick you can’t even see what direction is the right way to go.

I believe intuition is a gift from God, and I believe that is one way He speaks to us. He tells us what is right and many times speaks to our souls to give us guidance. He speaks to us in many ways. He speaks to us through others. He speaks through His word. He speaks through dreams and visions. He speaks to us while we pray. Amazing isn’t it? The catch is…we have to be listening. We have to be watching. We have to be reading His word. Sometimes we have to ask for it…and yes, we have to be praying.

Brace yourself. A Loaded question is about to come…..

What is your purpose in life?

(I’m going to ask that question again, because someone reading this right now needs to hear it again.)

What is your purpose in life?

Have you thought about that? Why were you put here? Are you living your life to the potential the Lord has for you? Are you fulfilling your purpose in this life on earth? Are you doing what He placed you here to do? If the answer is no or you aren’t sure..go back up to the quote above. Are those obstacles standing in your way?

We all have a purpose here. We do. That part is simple. However, finding that purpose can be a bit more tricky. Know this…The Lord is standing by ready to show you. He is waiting for you to ask. He is waiting for you to go for it and to see how amazing life can be once you find it. Listen and watch for Him. He has amazing and extraordinary things for us ordinary people to do and will even give you all the skills to do them. Are you willing to say yes? Are you willing to do what is right? He won’t let you down. He is in control, has your best interest at heart, and stands waiting for you to respond. Will you say yes or will you say no? What will your answer be?

There is no time for ease and comfort. It is time to dare and endure. -Winston Churchill

1 comment:

Susan said...

Wow! Thank you for the reminder!