Friday, July 10, 2009

Someway...Somehow...Back to Africa

In less than one week, I travel back to a place that has stolen something from me. It’s a place that some how chisels off pieces of my heart each time I am there. Each piece broken off is surrendered reluctantly and accompanied by a mixture of pure joy and pain. Next week, I travel back to Africa.

How does one prepare one’s heart to be broken by the sight of human suffering? How does one prepare one's eyes to see the image of children naked and starving on the street? How does one prepare one’s arms to hold a child that longs to be held and loved by a forever family? How does one prepare ones feet to walk away when it is time to go? I have no idea. I just know God does it…someway ..somehow.

Maybe it’s the innocent smile from an abandoned baby looking up from a crib. Maybe it’s grip of a hand onto yours from a teenager who wants a friend..even for just a moment. Maybe it is the tear of joy streaming down a widow’s face as she describes how blessed she is to care for her HIV infected grandchild in a one room mud hut. Maybe it is the inspiration that comes from seeing the courage and faith they all have by the Grace of God..someway… somehow.

Maybe one’s heart can never be prepared, but can be broken and miraculously healed by the glow of light that comes from the many least of these they encounter. How does ones heart be broken so many times in one day, and rest at night beating bigger than it had the previous dawn? It’s an out of this world thing He does..someway... somehow.

Soon, I travel back to Africa. I go to learn, to see, to serve, and to meet Him there once again. What an honor and blessing it will be. Phil and I will be traveling together this time and would greatly appreciate your prayers. One year ago, I started this blog as a way for me to write about my trip to Africa then. It served as a place to tell stories of those who needed a voice. I hope to bring that voice back with me once again after this trip. I’m not sure how often I will be able to update my blog while gone. Please know if I can’t update while I am away, I will do so when I return.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

You have a great way of sharing your thoughts. I can't wait to see pictures of Africa and I am glad God has placed these precious ones in Africa on your heart. They're very blessed to have people like you who go to them and share an exemplary part of who God is with them in a real way.