Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Post Election Day

November 4th, 2008, what a day. A new president was elected, history was made, and as John McCain so eloquently put it, “The American people have spoken, and they have spoken clearly.” Whether you voted for Barack Obama or not, he is going to be president. “Change” is on its way whether you wanted it or not.

Wow. What a day. No matter what political party you identify yourself with or support, realize we were all a part of a special day in history. Never before has an African-American been elected as President of the United States of America. Never before have I ever seen a crowd so large cheer for a president or president-elect, with that look in their eyes. That look…it somehow touched my heart at the very same time as my heart sank in a spooky way.

I saw some with a sparkle in their eye that spoke volumes. It was a look of a tearful realization that not only did an African American make it to the top of the highest position in our government, but that the majority of the American people actually voted him in and wanted him there. I could tell they were thinking back to the days of slavery and the days when those whose names hang above them on the family tree, were not seen as worthy to even vote. They were thinking about the numerous generations on that tree that have endured abuse, discrimination, and humiliation because of the color of their skin. Now, this man that represents such hope to them, sits in one of the most powerful seats in the world. I will probably never know exactly what that feels like, but will always appreciate their pure joy in it.

What concerned me about some looks was that of people who appeared to be idolizing Obama. It was as if they worshiped him, as if they were placing all their faith in this man, as if (as one person said this morning to me) they looked at him as their savior. He’s not their Savior. There is only one Savior, and that is Jesus Christ. I wondered how many of those in the crowd who were missing that important point. That truly saddened me.

Again, whether you like him or not, you must admit, Obama has a lot on his shoulders. He has a huge need for prayer. This man, our newly elected president, has a young family and no doubt countless enemies that would love nothing more than to destroy it and him. He is in fact, going to be the leader of our country. I personally, don’t agree with everything he has stood for in the past or present. However, I recognize that for such as time as this he has been placed in office and could greatly impact our world. The opportunity is tremendous, as for any president in the past and future. I pray that God will give him the wisdom, the guidance, the compassion, strength, humbleness, and the heart that will lead our country well and into the will of the Lord. I pray the Lord will reveal Himself in ways to our newly elected president, that will be so clear and evident that He longs to grow closer and closer to the One that has our best interest in mind.

Am I proud to be an American? Of course. I had the awesome opportunity to stand up, vote, and to exercise my right to be heard yesterday. The privilege, that so many in the world are not blessed with, is something I do not take lightly. I pray that I never hear the National Anthem and forget to be thankful for all those who lost their lives for my freedom and for how the Lord has blessed us in so many ways. I pray that I spend more time lifting up our government in prayer than I do complaining about it. May this transition in leadership and talk of “change” encourage us all to look within. May we be faithful to what the Lord is calling us to change in our own lives and how to work together as the Body towards His will. God Bless America.

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