Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Preparing for the Journey

In just two short days, I will embark on a journey like no other I have travelled before. I will be leaving for a trip to Ethiopia and Kenya. The mission is to go forth and follow the steps and path He has made for us ahead. Where that path will go exactly, we don’t know. We go on a mission to find stories of the needy, of the orphaned, and of the suffering. We go to find stories of survival and hope. We go to bring back on film, a message for the need to be involved and how to do it. We go to make a documentary in Africa.

This will be my first trip to Ethiopia and third trip to Kenya. Strange, how in so many ways, going back to Kenya feels like I am going back home. Is it because I have left pieces of my heart there twice before? Is it because of the love I have for the people there? Deep in my being I know it is because when I hold the hand of the orphan, I am holding the hand of God. (Matthew 25:40). No matter what the reason is, I am thankful and humbled to have the opportunity to go back.

So many of you are wonderful supporters of the mission. I thank you so much for your involvement in this trip. Some of you have given financially. Some of you are supporting prayerfully. Some of you have dropped notes of encouragement. Some of you have supported this journey in everyway possible. Thank you. Because of that support and the bond we have in Him, we go on this journey together.

I am not sure how often I will be able to update this blog while travelling. I will do my best to update it as often as possible. However, I will be journaling. If I can’t update it while on the trip, I should be able to post entries when I get back. The dates of the trip are July 18th-30th.

Your prayers are greatly appreciated. We have an exciting road ahead. We look forward to bringing the voices of those in need back to you. C.S. Lewis once said, "God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: it is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world." The conditions, so many are living in, are painful for us to see, to hear about, or to imagine. It’s not nearly as painful as it is for those who are living in this reality. However, it is painful in its own convicting way. Prepare to see them. Prepare to hear them. Prepare to be “roused”…..


Brandy said...

May God give you strength and protection for your journey. Rely on Him solely my dear friend. Your faith is a witness and a blessing to all who know you. Blessings...

Melissa said...

Hi Beth.

My prayers are with you.



jeffndawn said...

Oh Beth! I am so excited about this trip. I can't wait to see how the Lord will use you. You will be in my thoughts and prayers and I will be checking back here for possible updates. I just love to see how the Lord uses people. What a blessing we have when we are obedient to Him! Roomy, Dawn

Kacee said...

Ohh Beth your words are so touching! Thank you for saying "yes" when you were called to GO and for being the hands and feet of God. I love the quote from Chruchill. You are making such an incredible difference in the lives of so many and you are being a voice for those that do not have one. I cannot wait to hear how God will use your time in Africa. We'll be praying for you. Lot sof love!

Unknown said...


Myself, Carson and Hilary (whom you will meet in December) will certainly lift you and your team up in prayer. What an adventure you are on (once again) and what great things the Lord will accomplish through you! Exciting stuff, and I can't wait to read all about it.

Suzie Geer said...

Hi Beth:

Go with God, God goes with you! God is holding you in the palm of HIS hand and we are holding you in our prayers.

Pastor Suzie

Unknown said...

hey beth

I am so excited to see the fruit from this trip

be safe - be soft -remember God is in the wisper
