Thursday, August 9, 2012

You Might Have a Toddler If:

-You have ever scooped dog food out of your child’s mouth more than once in a day.

-You go down the childproofing aisle just to see if they have come out with anything new to help you since you were there yesterday.

-Your friends ask you if you got your hair done recently and you reply, “No, I just stopped fixing it.”
-You cringe at opening the cable bill for fear your child has ordered new channels via the remote when you weren’t looking.

-You are practicing your “Poop is not Finger Paint” lecture because you have a feeling you will be preaching it soon.

-The Sound of Silence only makes you nervous. Silence = They are in to something they know they shouldn’t be in to.

-You fight the urge to not laugh during a scolding because they are so stinking cute

 -You are convinced your child will be an astronaut, disease curer, professional athlete, or anything else super cool because you think he is exactly that…super cool.

 -Fun games like chase are way more fun now than they ever were when you were a kid. And let’s face it, they were pretty fun back then.

-You savor cuddles when you get them because they don’t happen as often as they used to.  

-You are blown away each day at how something so little can take up such a big part of your heart.