Friday, May 29, 2009

Stain Removal

Recently while fixing my hair for the day, I looked around the room and saw how many cleaners I had. Wow..I have a lot of different soaps. We all do.

Hand soap
Bar Soap
Shower Gel
Face Wash
Pore Cleanser
Foot scrub
Wound cleaner
Toilet Cleaner
Carpet Cleaner
Dust Cleaner
Window Cleaner
Laundry Soap
Stain Removers
Dish Soap
Dish Washer Soap
Kitchen and Bath Cleaner
Wet Wipes
Antibacterial Gel

The list could probably go on and on.

We wash our hands many times a day. Why? We don’t want germs to get into our body thus making us sick. We bathe each day (I hope most of you do anyway). Why? We want to be clean and don’t want to stink. We are obsessed with staying clean. We are obsessed with staying stain free it seems.

We are told that reading His Word will make us healthy, strong, and help us to clean up spiritually. Tell me, why don’t we read it with as much discipline as we do with using our cleaners? Isn’t our spiritual cleanliness more important than anything? We spend money, time, and energy on purchasing and using soaps and cleaners. We pursue the goal of being clean in that way aggressively. We are offered a way to remain clean and free from the stench of sin through our Lord. Why then do we not spend more time with Him?

Just an observation…..

Monday, May 25, 2009

An Attempt to Listen

A bird chirps. A dog barks. Tree branches move in the wind, and the sound of rustling leaves fills the area that surrounds me. As I look at what was once a beautiful gardenia bush waiting to be planted, I realize my over zealous desire to water it has drowned it and made it yellow and sick.

An ant scurries across the mound of dirt. Rushing to get back to his home. A cucumber plant gains height as I stare. Its growth is so slow I can’t see it moving. However, tomorrow, I will be shocked to see how tall it got in just one day.

A loud crash. A racing engine. The garbage truck and workers are earlier than normal. I faintly hear the ice maker churning and spitting ice into the bucket. At my feet sleeping and breathing softly is one of the sweetest little dogs known to man.

This is my attempt to be still, to be silent, and to listen.

As my mind wanders here and there, I reflect. God is good.

In the midst of the unknown on a sick loved one’s battle, I know that He is Jehovah-Rophe (The Lord who Heals). I give thanks.

As I realize the precious gift of the arms of a husband that hold me so tight and in a way I’ve never felt it be okay to let go and cry before, I know that He is Jehovah-Jireh (The Lord who Provides) I give thanks.

As I think about all those suffering in a world that is not our home, I know that He is El-Shaddai. (The Lord who is Sufficient for the needs of His people). I give thanks.

I stand in awe of the ways he works. I stand in awe of the thousands of leaves on the trees in my backyard and realize He created each one. I know that He cares for each bird in my yard and the lilies in the field. I wonder how. My mind can’t fathom it all, but my heart rejoices.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Conversation

It’s surreal how when you get news of a loved one passing away, it seems as if the world stops. Time seems to stand still, and it’s as if you are violently shoved into a bubble of slow motionlessness. Yesterday, I received the call that my grandfather had passed away.

At the risk of sounding cliché, he really is in a better place now. He is in a place of no pain, and in a place where he is enjoying the majesty of the Lord more than we can ever imagine. I have come to peace with that and am thankful.

Yesterday, my mind couldn’t help but go back to the praise song we sang in church only this last Sunday. The words were echoing in my head. “You give and take away. You give and take away. My heart will choose to say, Lord blessed be Your name.” In the midst of mourning, I will praise Him and stand in awe of His power.

Phil suggested we go watch the sunset that evening. It was a good idea. As I sat in my kayak watching the sun slowly slip down the horizon, I was reminded that time doesn’t stand still. Life goes on. The birds were still chirping, commercial planes full of people were still flying through the air, and the cars on the bridge were rushing by in their busy evening commute. Life…it goes on.

My grandfather was a good man. He helped so many people in his life. He came to accept Christ’s gift of salvation at a very late age and before the Alzheimer’s claimed much of his body and mind. We are so grateful for that. He is a perfect example of how at a late age in life, thought that praying to God and doing good deeds would get him into Heaven. He didn’t know there was a gift to accept until someone told him. Maybe there is someone in your life that needs to hear the good news that is similar to my grandfather?

We rest in knowing he is in the presence of the Lord now, and we will see him again one day. He will be missed, but his memory will live on in the hearts of those who knew him. Life here..will go on.

Is there someone in your life that you need to have a talk with about their relationship or lack there of with Christ? Life is short. Have that conversation.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Thou Shalt Bless Thy Neighbor

In a small town, when a siren is heard, everyone goes outside. If there is an ambulance headed somewhere…chances are that you know whose home they are headed to. That’s where I come from. I would hear a siren, look to see what direction it was going, and say a prayer for the person in need.

I now live in a larger city where I know practically no one. Living fairly close by to a hospital, I have been hearing quite a few sirens. At first, I found myself shifting in my seat. I had to resist that habit of walking out the front door to see where the ambulance was going. Now, after being here for a month or so, I don’t seem to notice the noise. To be honest, the prayers for the people in need of those ambulances have ceased too.

Recently while in prayer, I was convicted of my negative attitude while going on my daily walks. Instead of praying for each family as I walked by each home, I tended to think critically about the long grass, broken fences, or junk in their yards. Not many houses are like this where we live. However, there are a few. I wasn’t stopping to consider what might be going on in the lives of those who reside in the homes where the plants that are dying in the pots, and the grass is taller than the family cat lurched outside. Maybe turmoil, stress, or heartache is consuming the time of those who live behind those doors. Maybe painting the chipped mailbox just isn’t a priority because someone is terminally ill.

In my old neighborhood, everyone knew what was going on in the lives of each tattered yard owners’ life....too much so. Here, I just don’t know. So why was I so quick to be critical and so forgetful of how I should love them? Just because I don’t know them, doesn’t make them unworthy of concern or prayer! I prayed that night for the Lord to remind me to pray for the people in the homes as I walk by.

You can tell a lot by walking by the homes of those around you. Toys outside mean they have children that need prayed for. A car held together with duct tape in the driveway may have an owner that could use a prayer for provision. The homes that appear to have everything and look perfect may just have a nice looking front but behind closed doors need prayers for marriages, children, or even salvation.

Consider going for a walk today and praying for your community, your neighbors, and those in each home you pass. You have an opportunity to bless MANY people today. It doesn’t require you to write a check, to give up a Saturday on a busy weekend, or even to venture out of your comfort zone. Take a walk..and bless those around you.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Random Thoughts

Riding a bike is good exercise and can be fun. Riding a bike with padded shorts is even better.

Is there any thing more frustrating than trying to spread homemade pizza dough in the pan?

I find it quite funny a woman on the news announced she gave birth to fraternal twins that have two different fathers. She was on the news saying she wants everyone to know because there are only a handful of cases of this in the world. Her boyfriend, one of the twin’s fathers, has forgiven her for her unfaithfulness and is raising the other twin as his own. The mother stated she has decided not to inform the second child’s father she had his baby. Well, if he watched the 10:00 news, I’m guessing she won’t have to make that phone call.

Why is a large carpet area rug that covers a portion of the room almost more expensive than carpeting the WHOLE room?

Is it okay to call myself a farmer because I have carrots, cucumbers, and cantaloupe plants growing? If not, I’m going to do it anyway. Is it lame I get excited to see how much they have grown each day? If so, I’m okay with it.

Never thought I would high five over Craig’s List. I have done so…three times….in one week.

I so enjoy how Guitar Hero makes me feel like an actual guitar hero. If Aerosmith ever comes to town, they will be able to count on me for a fill in if needed. I’ll be ready.

I think of Swine Flu every time I touch the handle on the grocery cart.

Cookies are to milk as corn on the cob is to grilled meat as honey mustard is to chicken strips.

If I look forward to having garage sales as much as I absolutely dread having them, does that make me neutral on the event?

Why do squirrels freak me out?

Married Households vs. Single Households: Toilet paper disappears faster. Laundry seems to grow so fast you think it is breeding in the basket. Leftovers don’t last nearly as long. Time seems more precious. The sound of “Honey, I’m home!”..makes your heart flutter.

The Lord continues to bless me more than I deserve.

I wonder if the kids in Kitale had enough to eat today.

The story of David and Goliath makes me smile. Every time I cross the street “Goliad” I think of it.

Rain or shine…IL or TX…in my husband's arms is my favorite place to be.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Be Still...

I firmly believe that God is all around us in so many ways. Sometimes we just get so busy, so distracted, and so noisey, that we don’t notice He is right there. Recently while kayaking, I was reminded of this.

As we paddled on the calm lake water, I dodged the trees sticking out of the water. A crane sat perched in a tree nearby enjoying the view and breeze. My husband says I am all or nothing..either I “go fast” or “don’t go at all” while paddling. I hate to admit that he is right most of the time. However, in this moment I moved slowly towards the bird. I wanted to see him. I wanted to get as close as I could. I tried to be as quiet as possible, and I couldn’t believe how close I was able to get. The bird was beautiful. Eventually, it gently lifted into the air and flew away.

The further I glided around the lake, I realized how nice it was when I stopped to listen. The sounds of nature are really pretty calming and nice. Those sounds are always there. This was the first time I had actually heard them since the move to my new place in life.

Why have I never heard them before? Is it because it was a calm day? Maybe it was because music wasn’t encompassing my mode of transportation or being fed right into my ears. My fingers weren’t busy texting either. Maybe it was because for the rare moment, no words were pushing their way past my lips. It was quiet, and I liked it.

The occasional fish flopped near my boat, and I’ll confess I might have let out a shriek or two. But for the most part, it was a peaceful time. I have problems with being still. I don’t have attention issues. I have just fallen accustomed to the trap of the enemy…an addiction to noise. I think he pulls us into the trap so we have a harder time hearing the Lord. When I took the time to consciously stop and to be still…I saw Him in the birds. I saw Him in the sounds of His creations, and I felt Him in the peace I felt as I relaxed.

I wonder if in the times in life I have felt like I couldn’t hear Him while wanting guidance, if I just missed it with that “go fast or don’t go at all” way I have sometimes. Was I going so fast or too distracted, that I didn’t hear when the guidance was offered? Was it gently whispered to me as the wind whistled and the birds chirped, but the music vibrating out of the car speakers covered it up? Maybe I was on the phone, was busy cleaning, or was making one of the many on-going mental lists in my head and just didn’t hear it. Bummer.

I’m a work in progress just like the next person. My prayer is that we all make an extra effort to see Him each day, to hear Him each day, and to enjoy Him each and every day. Sometimes we just have to be still and quiet.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Registration Purgatory

I had but one goal for today. It seemed simple, but it was just one of those days. We have all had those days. They are they kind that sitcom writers get their plots from. Today I entered into what I call “Registration Purgatory.”

I have spent a good amount of time on the phone lately. I haven’t been chatting like a school girl to friends back home, rather I’ve been on the phone with government agencies. There are important things on my to-do list: Change my name on my passport, register my vehicle, get a driver’s license, and obtain a social security card with my new name.

As I sit and type in this moment…I have no real proof of who I am. At least I can chuckle as I type that last sentence. Trust me, I wasn’t laughing a few hours ago.

It started with a few calls to the DMV and the County Registration department. They told me all the paperwork I was to bring. I packed my things and was on my way. The first stop was to get the vehicle checked.

I needed to get my oil changed and also get the required “Certificate of Inspection” for Texas. With a minimal wait, I was out the door and feeling very optimistic that I could get the registration of my SUV AND license today. Why not? What could go wrong? I was on a roll.

As I walked into the registration office, I saw two signs and two groups of people waiting. Next to the first group waiting, was a sign that said “Property Taxes.” Next to the other group was a sign that said “Registration.” After waiting about 20 minutes, I realized that there was a small sign reading that only cash and checks were accepted for payments. Realizing I didn’t have our checkbook and didn’t have a lot of cash, I left and drove to the nearest ATM.

Next I came back to an even more crowded room. I took my place at the end of the line by the group with the registration sign. After waiting 45 minutes, I finally got to the counter. I explained that I needed to register my vehicle. The tired woman looked up from the counter and said, “I’m sorry, you are in the wrong line. Your line is over there.” “You mean I should have been in the line under the property taxes sign for my car registration instead of the registration sign?” “Yes, that is correct,” she stated. I wanted to ask her if I was on a hidden camera prank show.

After waiting at least a half hour in the property tax group, I was finally called up to the oh so friendly counter of property taxes for my car registration. After looking at my paperwork, I was told that I was missing information on the bank in which a loan was taken out on my car. This info was not listed as paperwork needed when I called. So, I was told to come back when I had the appropriate info.

Too make a long story short (too late). I eventually stood in more lines, retrieved the needed info, and received the registration. Now I was on to get my license. By following the directions to the DMV that I was given at the registration office, I arrived at the building. As I entered it, I let out a sigh of relief for almost being done with the whole process. It was cut short as I saw a sign on a window. “If you are looking for the DMV office, it has moved to another building at ___ location.” Great.

Back into the car I went and drove to the new office. What did I do next? I stood in line again, of course. My turn came and I explained I simply wanted a Texas license. I was confident there would be no problems because I brought everything they told me to bring on the phone. Only there was a problem because during my turn, they told me they MUST have my birth certificate. I would have loved to have had that info earlier.

Home again…home again. After grabbing a quick bite to eat and packing my birth certificate, I drove back to the DMV. As I opened the door, I realized many people had just gotten off work as the line was almost out the door. When my turn finally came, things went smoothly, and I was in disbelief. “Here is your temporary copy, Miss” the worker said. “Temporary? Temporary copy of what?” I asked. “Your temporary license. You don’t actually get your license today. We will mail it to you in 4-6 weeks.” Shocked and a bit irritated that I wasn’t getting the card, I was just thankful to be done.

As I got into the car, something hit me. I am going to be travelling in a few weeks. How can I travel with no picture ID? So, back I went to stand at the end of the line wrapped around the room. (You aren’t allowed to ask questions unless you wait your turn in line.) When it was my turn once again, I asked them what I was supposed to do since they took my old license, and I had no picture ID to travel with. I was told there was nothing they could do.

Six hours after I started this process, I was left not knowing what my legal name actually is. Do I go by my maiden name or my married name? I have no official identification. My new social security card is being processed, my driver’s license consists of an index sized piece of paper with a red stamp on it, and my passport is probably somewhere in a Pennsylvania office cubicle. All of these things promised to arrive in 4-6 weeks. Who am I? What shall I call myself? I am in Registration Purgatory.

And so I wait…I wait on my cards and ID paperwork to come in the mail. I will be still and know that God is on top of this all and will work it all out. He knows my name and I can be identified by and through Him. My husband says he still loves me (whoever I am) and I know God does too. I will call myself Beth Brinkmeyer….even if I can’t prove it officially.

Thus ends my blog venting.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Dying Hope

I had the honor of attending the Orphan Summit V this year. I missed this conference last year, but was able to attend the year before. This conference has a way of inspiring me, refocusing me, and convicting me.

On the first day of the conference, Rob Mitchell was our plenary speaker. Rob, the author of "Castaway Kid," was an orphan. His story hits close to home in the way that he lived in an orphanage less than an hour from my home before I was even born. He tells the story of what it was like not only to be an orphan, but as a child enduring the hardships of institutional life and the heartbreak of abandonment.

The most powerful statement I heard Rob speak was when he explained the day "Hope Died." He talked of how most orphans have that day. It's a day when they are beaten down and realize they will never be in a family. They will never be loved and from that point on vow to build a wall around their hearts. Hope, something most hang on to until the very end, dies in these children.

As he explained that feeling, I realized that I have seen this in the eyes of so many children. It's an empty look. It's the look of the abandoned, the heartbroken, the lost, the lonely, and the unwanted. To hear a man tell first hand of how worthless he felt as a child, broke my heart. To realize there are MILLIONS of children like him out there is so very convicting.

Hope. We are told in Jeremiah that the Lord has a future for us all. It is one with a hope and a future. As we were so bluntly reminded in one session, "Satan hates babies and hates children" and so he wages his war on these precious children. He robs them of their innocence, their childhood, and their hope. Hope dies within them.

We have the opportunity to resurrect that hope. We have an opportunity to reach down into the pit these children are in, and give them our hand to lift them up. We have the opportunity to do some of the most important work we will be offered in the battles of this world. It all starts with one simple prayer. "Lord, use me."