Thursday, August 20, 2009

Days of Hunger Ahead...

In a time when the crops should be flourishing and lush, the sight of the fields is bare and hardly what it should be. In a time when you shouldn’t be able to see your neighbor’s rooftop because the corn is so tall, you can practically see your neighbors doorstep. In a time where you can hear the stalks of corn gently move in the breeze, you hear a constant rustling of dry leaves brushing against each other. Kenya is in a stage of drought.

The food Kenyans rely on the most, is maze. It’s a type of corn, and they practically live on it. It can be cooked on a basic grill made from a bit of wire. It can be ground and used for corn meal. There are many ways to use it for food, and it is what the country depends on to survive. This year, due to the lack of rain, it just isn’t there.

Kenyans are preparing for the impending famine that will be coming soon. With the lack of maze, people will starve. When your child needs food and is so very hungry, what do you feed them? When water is scarce, and the food just isn’t there, what do you do? Many Kenyans are turning to prayer for their hope in a miracle.

While traveling in Kenya this July, I was shocked. The corn fields that are normally bright green and healthy were brown and dead. The corn stalks were so short, and almost brought tears to my eyes as I gazed out to the fields that surrounded my truck window. What will these people eat? They have to have food. The Kenyans are preparing for hard times ahead. “People will starve to death this year, it’s going to happen with the crops the way they are. Things will be very tough in the days ahead,” they say.

Yes, I am one of the first in a crowd to start a discussion about our health care debates going on right now. We are so blessed to not be debating about topics such as “What will we all eat in the coming months.” What will the Kenyans do? What will they eat? How many will die as a result of the recent droughts and lack of corn? It’s a sad reality they just aren’t ready to deal with. Neither am I. Our kids live there. Our sisters and brothers live there, and in Matthew 25 verses 35-40 Jesus tells us it is He will be there living it as well.

Please pray for all those searching for food, ways to survive, and faith to get through the days ahead. Please pray for ways you can be a part of the answer.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Boy at the Window

"Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always" 1 Chronicles 16:11

In a small village tucked away in fields of corn, there stood a church with sounds of praises pouring out of the cracks in the mud walls and the two open doors of the church. One window was covered with a cloth stretched as far as the threads would allow with sunlight beaming through the worn holes. Wrapped tightly around the bar to the window, I saw a small dark hand gripping metal. As my eyes worked upwards from that hand, they stopped on the eyes of a young boy. This is him pictured here.

As the word of God was read and praise and music was filling the room. The presence of the Lord was felt, and the eyes of this young boy watched intently. I found my head tilt to the side as the thought, “Who is he” crossed my mind. Where did he come from? Has he ever been in this church before? As I watched him stand and listen for at least a couple hours, as the African church service proceeded, I prayed for him.

He was more than just a small boy to me. He represented all those young children who don’t quite make it into the church. He stood on the outside peering in. Was he wondering what it was like to have the joy he saw in the faces of those inside? Maybe he was seeking an answer to where the sound was coming from that he could hear in the village coming from the church’s area. Maybe he was looking for food. Maybe he was looking for water. Maybe he was in need of something to quench his spiritual thirst. The boy at the window represented to me so many out there that are peering in and seeking answers…seeking Him.

After some time, I looked to the window and of course, he was gone. Off into the fields of corn, probably never to be seen by me again. He is still out there, and so are the millions of others who are hungry, thirsty, and/or just looking for answers. They are peering in the window with a desire to join in. I’m not sure of this young man’s name, but ask you to lift him up in prayer today.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Posting Soon

Thanks to you all who have been checking this site for new posts. We got back from Africa about a week ago. We have been trying to get caught up with things this week. I'm working on getting some stories and pictures up soon from the trip!